Sunday, January 19, 2014

Unit I Classification of Wind Tunnels

Wind tunnels may be classified based on any of the following:
(a) Speed, Mach no
They are classified as of low speed or high speed wind tunnels .In wind tunnel parlance, high speed wind tunnels are those operating at speeds where compressibility effects are important. They are also classified based on the Mach number of operation as subsonic, transonic, supersonic or hypersonic wind tunnels.

Range of the Mach number , M Name of flow , or conditions
M<1 Subsonic
M=1, or near 1 Transonic
1<M<3 Supersonic
3<M<5 High supersonic
M>5 Hypersonic
M>> 5 High Hypersonic

(b) Mode of operation (Pressure storage, in-draft or Pressure vacuum type.)
(c) Kind of test section (T.S) - Open, Closed or Semi enclosed

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