Sunday, January 19, 2014

Syllabus according to Anna University Regulations 2008

AE2353                        WIND TUNNEL TECHNIQUES         L T P C    
3  0  0  3
To introduce the basic concepts of measurement of forces and moments on models during the wind tunnel testing.

UNIT I       WIND TUNNELS                                                                  10
Classification –non-dimensional numbers-types of similarities - Layout of open circuit and closed circuit subsonic wind tunnels – design parameters-energy ratio - HP calculations,  Calibration.

UNIT II      HIGH SPEED WIND TUNNELS                                         10
Blow down, in draft and induction tunnel layouts and their design features, Transonic, supersonic and hypersonic tunnels, their peculiarities and calibration. Helium and gun tunnels, Shock tubes

UNIT III    WIND TUNNEL MEASUREMENTS                                  12
Pressure,velocity and temperature measurements – Force measurements – types of
balances-Three component and six component balances – calibration of measuring

UNIT IV    FLOW VISUALIZATION                                                    6
Smoke and Tuft grid techniques – Dye injection special techniques – Optical methods of flow visualization.

UNIT V      NON-INTRUSIVE FLOW DIAGNOSTICS                        7
Laser – Doppler anemometry. Particle image velocimetry. Laser induced fluorescence.


1.     Rae, W.H. and Pope, A. “Low Speed Wind Tunnel Testing”, John Wiley Publication, 1984.


1.     Pope, A., and Goin, L., “High Speed wind Tunnel Testing”, John Wiley, 1985

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